Results for 'Carlos X. Ardavín Trabanco'

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    La transición democrática en el periodismo político de Francisco Umbral.Carlos X. Ardavín - 1999 - Arbor 163 (642):179-185.
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    X-ray micro-computed tomography of beech wood and biomorphic C, SiC and Al/SiC composites.T. E. Wilkes, S. R. Stock, F. De Carlo, X. Xiao & K. T. Faber - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (17):1373-1389.
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    Editorial: Language and Mild Cognitive Impairment.Arturo X. Pereiro, Carlo Semenza & Onésimo Juncos-Rabadán - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    La evolución de X. Zubiri hacia el unicismo.Carlos Pose - 2024 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 91:137-152.
    Dentro de la obra de Zubiri pueden distinguirse varias posiciones en torno al problema de la psique, indudablemente incompatibles, fruto de la evolución de su pensamiento. En sentido general, el hombre es una sustantividad o un sistema de notas que debido a su unidad posicionalmente interdependiente en forma de clausura posee suficiencia constitucional. Pero la conceptuación de esta suficiencia puede resultar problemática en función de cómo se articule la psique dentro de la sustantividad humana.
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    Ethical issues related to the access to orphan drugs in Brazil: the case of mucopolysaccharidosis type I.Raquel Boy, Ida V. D. Schwartz, Bárbara C. Krug, Luiz C. Santana-da-Silva, Carlos E. Steiner, Angelina X. Acosta, Erlane M. Ribeiro, Marcial F. Galera, Paulo G. C. Leivas & Marlene Braz - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (4):233-239.
    Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) is a rare lysosomal storage disorder treated with bone marrow transplantation or enzyme replacement therapy with laronidase, a high-cost orphan drug. Laronidase was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency in 2003 and by the Brazilian National Health Surveillance Agency in 2005. Many Brazilian MPS I patients have been receiving laronidase despite the absence of a governmental policy regulating access to the drug. Epidemiological and treatment data concerning MPS I (...)
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  6. X. Zubiri: ¿cómo está el sentimiento en la aprehensión de realidad?Carlos Alberto Pose Varela - 2006 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 33:369-402.
    La tesis de este trabajo es que, respecto de los actos emocionales, en Zubiri se puede hablar de un "sentimiento primordial de realidad". Esta idea nunca se ha afirmado como tal puesto que algunos textos oscuros del autor parecían impedirlo. Reinterpretando no obstante esos textos se ha podido llegar a sostener que la "determinación" intelectiva de la que habla Zubiri no entra "formalmente" en contradicción con la existencia de un acto inmediato y radical de carácter emocional. Se trata de un (...)
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  7. El problema de la unidad psico-orgánica de la realidad humana en X. Zubiri.Carlos Alberto Pose Varela - 2001 - Revista Agustiniana 42 (129):947-1024.
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  8. Presencia suareciana en la metafísica de X. Zubiri.Carlos Baciero - 1980 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 7:235-246.
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    La construcción de la bioética desde la filosofía de X. Zubiri.Carlos Pose - 2013 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 40:595-609.
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    Quodlibet X R. Macken, éditeur Leuven: Leuven University Press; Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1981.Bernardo Carlos Bazán - 1984 - Dialogue 23 (4):721-725.
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    El problema de la libertad en X. Zubiri.Carlos Alberto Pose Varela - 2001 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 28:191-192.
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    Reflexiones sobre persona y libertad en X. Zubiri.Carlos Alberto Pose Varela - 2002 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 29:377-392.
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    Inteligencia emocional práctica: redefiniendo el ser humano desde la filosofía de X. Zubiri.Carlos Pose - 2023 - Granada: Editorial Comares.
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    Flavia Buzzetta, Magia naturalis e scientia cabalae in Giovanni Pico de la Mirandola. Studi pichiani 20, Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 2019, x-344 pp., ISBN: 9788822266309. Cloth €35. [REVIEW]Carlos Ortiz - 2020 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 26 (2):223-227.
    Reseñado por CARLOS ORTIZ DE LANDÁZURIUniversidad de Navarra, Pamplona, [email protected].
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    The Heirs of Plato: A Study of the Old Academy, 347-274 B.C. (review).Carlos G. Steel - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (2):204-205.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Heirs of Plato: A Study of the Old Academy (347–274 BC)Carlos SteelJohn M. Dillon. The Heirs of Plato: A Study of the Old Academy (347–274 BC). Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2003. Pp. x + 252. Cloth, $65.00.When Plato died, in 347 BC, he left behind not only the collection of philosophical dialogues we still read with admiration, but also a remarkable organization, the "Academy," wherein his students (...)
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    (1 other version)Bivalence and future contingency.Carlo Proietti, Gabriel Sandu & Francois Rivenc - forthcoming - In Vincent Hendricks & Sven Ove Hansson (eds.), Handbook of Formal Philosophy. Springer.
    This work presents an overview of four different approaches to the problem of future contingency and determinism in temporal logics. All of them are bivalent, viz. they share the assumption that propositions concerning future contingent facts have a determinate truth-value. We introduce Ockhamism, Peirceanism, Actualism and T x W semantics, the four most relevant bivalent alternatives in this area, and compare them from the point of view of their expressiveness and their underlying metaphysics of time.
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  17. What Is Language?Carlos Santana - 2016 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 3.
    Linguists (and philosophers of language) have long disagreed about the ontology of language, and thus about the proper subject matter of their disciplines. A close examination of the leading arguments in the debates shows that while positive arguments that language is x tend to be sound, negative arguments that language is not x generally fail. This implies that we should be pluralists about the metaphysical status of language and the subject matter of linguistics and the philosophy of language. A pluralist (...)
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    Las matemáticas y la astronomía en el mundo musulmán según el catálogo de Muhammad lbn Ishak an Nadim.Carlos Beas Portillo - 1996 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 8 (1):83-118.
    En este estudio, en el que hemos tomado como centro de referencia el catálogo (ai-Fihrist) del erudito musulmán del siglo X de nuestra era Muhammad Ibn Ishak an-Nadí'm, nos proponemos trazar, en primer lugar, las líneas del desarrollo del pensamiento matemático y del pensamiento astronómico en el mundo del Islam desde el siglo VIII hasta el siglo XVII; y, en segundo lugar, y al hilo de nuestra traducción al texto de Ibn an-Nadí'm, indicar en lo posible y de acuerdo a (...)
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    Rivalutare l’ Etica Eudemia. A proposito di A. Kenny, The Aristotelian Ethics, II edizione.Carlo Natali - 2019 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 40 (1):137-164.
    In the paper I discuss three theses defended by A. Kenny: in antiquity up to Aspasius or to Alexander of Aphrodisias the EE was considered the most important version of Aristotle’s ethical discourse; the idea that the common books belonged to the one or to the other treatise; the opposition between the theory of happiness of EN I and X and that of EE II and VIII.
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    Scientific Explanation in Aristotle’s Ethics.Carlo DaVia - 2022 - In David Konstan & David Sider (eds.), Philodorema: Essays in Greek and Roman Philosophy in Honor of Phillip Mitsis. Parnassos Press – Fonte Aretusa. pp. 135-160.
    The aim of this paper is threefold. First, I defend the view that for Aristotle ethical inquiry, like all philosophical inquiry, is in the business of seeking scientific explanations. This defense will require (in section II) first describing the basic structure of such explanations and then showing how those explanations can either be found in or endorsed by Aristotle’s ethics. My description of scientific explanation should be relatively uncontroversial, and my subsequent discussion of scientific explanations in Aristotle’s ethics is intended (...)
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    Presencia suareciana en la metafísica de X. Zubiri.Carlos Baciero González - 1980 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 7:235-246.
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    Medieval Philosophy: an Impossible Project? Thomas Aquinas and the „Averroistic“ Ideal of Happiness.Carlos Steel - 1998 - In Jan Aertsen & Andreas Speer (eds.), Was ist Philosophie im Mittelalter? Qu'est-ce que la philosophie au moyen âge? What is Philosophy in the Middle Ages?: Akten des X. Internationalen Kongresses für Mittelalterliche Philosophie der Société Internationale pour l'Etude de la Philosophie Médié. Erfurt: De Gruyter. pp. 152-174.
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    O Problema Pedagogico: Relação da X Reunião de Gallarate.Carlo Giacon - 1956 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 12 (2):163 - 180.
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    A relação entre revolução e estado: crítica de Hannah Arendt ao modelo atual.Carlos Fernando Silva Brito - 2021 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 21 (3):121-133.
    In this text, we intend to develop the elements that make up the criticism that Hannah Arendt presents at the end of the interview granted to the German writer Adelbert Reif in the summer of 1970 to the concept of state and modern government, and that are not developed by Arendt at that moment. To this end, we will initially expose Arendt's criticism of the emptying of public space and the attempt to reduce political participation to the electoral process. To (...)
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    La unidad temática de la ética nicomaquea en la recepción Del aristotelismo Del siglo XIII.Carlos Rodrigues Gesualdi - 1999 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 44 (3):695-706.
    Este trabajo contextualiza la dicotomiaque los lectores medievales de la ÉticaNicomaquea encontraron entre el planteo de lafelicidad teorética dei libra X y el de la felicidadpráctica dei libra!. La hegemonia dei enfoquesustancialista de la felicidad sostenido desde laPatrística fue puesta en cuestión por un modelooperativista que resaltaba el ejercicio de la vidavirtuosa en un marco social. Esta puesta encuestión se corresponde con la gradual recuperaciónde la Ética Nicomaquea en Occidente. Lahegemonia dei enfoque sustancialista es la causade que el planteo de (...)
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  26. (1 other version)A crítica ética ao realismo estético em Platão.Carlos Carvalhar - 2022 - Revista Dissertatio de Filosofia 1 (56):213-241.
    Defende-se que, em Platão, haveria um ataque ao estilo de arte realista, uma novidade à época. Será apresentada uma definição do que seria esse realismo, apresentando exemplos da arte visual, mas também, brevemente, da poesia. Será destacada a comunhão de áreas filosóficas na crítica platônica, pois não só a estética, como a epistemologia, a ontologia e a ética estão presentes no ideário que define a arte como um simulacro do real. Será abordada a questão da mímēsis e a diferença de (...)
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  27. La esfera pública y El bar de las Folies Bergère de Edouard Manet.Carlos Vanegas - 2014 - Revista Colombiana de Pensamiento Estético E Historia Del Arte:121-137.
    The main discourses on art during the nineteenth century defined the artist as a spirit that should express their unbridled creativity, and overall that had the strength to express its total personal autonomy from institutional processes of culture. Thus, Manet’s work A bar at the Folies—Bergere contains substantial elements that express and help us to understand both the role of the artist, as the crisis of meaning in the work of modern art and problematic public sphere, treated by Haberma's as (...)
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    El programa de Grice: Más allá del significado literal intencioalidad y expectativa.Carlos Alejandro Flores Eudave - 2015 - Luxiérnaga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 5 (9):7.
    Cuando un hablante emite una proferencia x, hay ocasiones en las quela audiencia puede entender otra cosa que diverge del significado literalde los signos o símbolos empleados en x; a saber, la audiencia, alescuchar x, entiende y. Sin embargo, esto no se debe a que en algunacircunstancia particular el significado literal de x cambie (éste es atemporale inmutable); pero entonces, cómo o por qué es que en algunasocasiones, por ejemplo en el sarcasmo, la ironía o los albures, la audiencialogra identificar (...)
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    (B.) van den Berg, (D.) Manolova, (P.) Marciniak (edd.) Byzantine Commentaries on Ancient Greek Texts, 12 th –15 th Centuries. Pp. x + 386, ills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. Cased, £90, US$120. ISBN: 978-1-316-51465-8. [REVIEW]Carlos A. Martins de Jesus - 2023 - The Classical Review 73 (2):716-717.
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  30. Hubungan antara self efficacy Dan prestasi kerja karyawan bagian marketing.Marceline Carlos, Zamralita & M. Nisfiannoor - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 8 (2).
    The aim of this research is to find the relationship between self efficacy and work performance of marketing employee refers to a person’s evaluation of his or her ability or competency to perform a task and reach a goal. Work performance is personal outcome that he or she performs in an organization. The participant for this study is 35 marketing employee of X Company. Using Pearson Correlation Product Moment, the result shows that there is a positive relationship between marketing employee (...)
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    Bases and borel selectors for tall families.Jan Grebík & Carlos Uzcátegui - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (1):359-375.
    Given a family${\cal C}$of infinite subsets of${\Bbb N}$, we study when there is a Borel function$S:2^{\Bbb N} \to 2^{\Bbb N} $such that for every infinite$x \in 2^{\Bbb N} $,$S\left \in {\Cal C}$and$S\left \subseteq x$. We show that the family of homogeneous sets as given by the Nash-Williams’ theorem admits such a Borel selector. However, we also show that the analogous result for Galvin’s lemma is not true by proving that there is an$F_\sigma $tall ideal on${\Bbb N}$without a Borel selector. The (...)
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    El cambio de la visión de mundo y el realismo científico.Juan Carlos Aguirre García - 2010 - Revista Disertaciones 1 (1):145-162.
    Este texto tiene como fin analizar el capítulo X de la Estructura de las revoluciones científicas (ERC) de Thomas Kuhn, especialmente su consideración de las Revoluciones como cambios de la visión del mundo (world view). Más que ahondar en cuestiones exegéticas, intentaré: a) explicitar las líneas generales del cambio de paradigma y del cambio de la visión del mundo; b) ubicar las reflexiones en el contexto de la tesis de la inconmensurabilidad; c) identificar las amenazas que podría comportar el planteamiento (...)
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    “El más piadoso de todos los animales”: en torno a las motivaciones religiosas del descenso a la caverna en República.Carlo Jesús Orellano QuiJano - 2020 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 18:11-36.
    El punto central de análisis del trabajo es la katábasis o descenso del filósofo a la caverna como parte de la alegoría presentada en República VII. Frente a tres interpretaciones alternativas que serán mencionadas, se expondrá una interpretación que, sin entrar en conflicto con las anteriores, podría complementarlas por cuanto toma en cuenta el aspecto religioso inherente a la comprensión platónica de la filosofía: la homoíōsis theōi. Para ello, se analizarán pasajes del diálogo mencionado a la luz de otros provenientes (...)
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    De Platón para los poetas: crítica, censura y destierro.Carlos Julio Pájaro M. - 2014 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 20:109-144.
    Resumen A pesar de que uno de los objetivos del planteamiento platónico en República acerca de la formación del carácter de los guardianes es la critica, la censura y el destierro de los poetas y de la poesía mimética como "recurso pedagógico" por su inutilidad como fuente de conocimiento, Platón admite la introducción de cierto tipo de poesía dentro de su programa educativo. No es, entonces, adecuado extender a todo el pensamiento platónico una tesis exclusiva del libro X, porque Platón (...)
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  35. Eros, psyche and mania: The sources of philosophical inspiration according to Plato. [Spanish].Carlos Julio Pájaro M. - 2009 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 9:134-164.
    Normal 0 21 false false false ES-CO X-NONE X-NONE El Eros en el Fedro es ético y filosófico, pero también Manía, irracionalidad. Su locura la procura el dios del que se está poseso en la procesión celeste de las almas, pero también la origina su fuerza pasional por desear la belleza presente en “este mundo”, y la nostalgia y deseo de la belleza que el alma gozó en su anterior vida inmortal y trascendente. Es Eros entonces quien empuja a Psyqué (...)
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  36. Aproximaciones a la epistemología francesa.Pedro Karczmarczyk, Gassmann Carlos, Acosta Jazmín Anahí, Rivera Silvia, Cuervo Sola Manuel, Torrano Andrea & Abeijón Matías - 2013 - In Karczmarczyk Pedro (ed.), "Aproximaciones a la Epistemología Francesa" Estudios de Epistemología, X. Instituto de Epistemología, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. pp. 1-164.
    Aproximaciones a la escuela francesa de epistemología Los problemas que dominan a la epistemología pueden contextualizarse históricamente como una forma de racionalidad filosófica. La filosofía se ha presentado a lo largo de la historia como un discurso en el que sus diversos componentes (metafísica, ontología, gnoseología, ética, lógica, etc.) se mostraron unidos en el molde de la ?unidad del saber?. En este marco unitario alguna de las formas del saber filosófico detenta usualmente una posición dominante. El énfasis colocado en la (...)
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    Parameterized partition relations on the real numbers.Joan Bagaria & Carlos A. Di Prisco - 2009 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 (2):201-226.
    We consider several kinds of partition relations on the set ${\mathbb{R}}$ of real numbers and its powers, as well as their parameterizations with the set ${[\mathbb{N}]^{\mathbb{N}}}$ of all infinite sets of natural numbers, and show that they hold in some models of set theory. The proofs use generic absoluteness, that is, absoluteness under the required forcing extensions. We show that Solovay models are absolute under those forcing extensions, which yields, for instance, that in these models for every well ordered partition (...)
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    The e-value and the Full Bayesian Significance Test: Logical Properties and Philosophical Consequences.Julio Michael Stern, Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto, Luis Gustavo Esteves, Rafael Izbicki, Rafael Bassi Stern & Marcio Alves Diniz - unknown
    This article gives a conceptual review of the e-value, ev(H|X) – the epistemic value of hypothesis H given observations X. This statistical significance measure was developed in order to allow logically coherent and consistent tests of hypotheses, including sharp or precise hypotheses, via the Full Bayesian Significance Test (FBST). Arguments of analysis allow a full characterization of this statistical test by its logical or compositional properties, showing a mutual complementarity between results of mathematical statistics and the logical desiderata lying at (...)
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    Arte sin estética?Ramírez Jaramillo, John Fredy, Javier Domínguez Hernández & Carlos Venegas Zubiría (eds.) - 2016 - Medellín: Facultad de Artes, Universidad de Antioquia.
    Coference papers from the X National Seminar of Theory and History of the Art carried out in Medellín to address certain implications that the question entails, for both art and philosophy. For art: Why and since when do we think that art without aesthetics is something reprehensible or desirable? For philosophy: Is it irremovable or not the turn that the philosophical aesthetic took towards the experience of art from the eighteenth century? At the heart of these questions is a basic (...)
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    Attachment Dimensions and Spatial Navigation in Female College Students: The Role of Comfort With Closeness and Confidence in Others.Nuno Barbosa Rocha, Andreia Lemos, Carlos Campos, Susana Rocha, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Sérgio Machado & Eric Murillo-Rodriguez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Altered attachment characteristics may disturb the HPA and can even cause changes in the hippocampus. However, it is unknown if that will influence spatial navigation performance, learning and recalling. In this study we pretend to verify if there are differences in spatial navigation learning and was associated with attachment style dimensions of anxiety and close-depend. Sixty-five female participants were recruited and were evaluated using the Adult Attachment Scale-R and tested on a virtual maze navigation task (VMT) at one moment (exploratory (...)
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    Iconic Syntax: sign language classifier predicates and gesture sequences.Philippe Schlenker, Marion Bonnet, Jonathan Lamberton, Jason Lamberton, Emmanuel Chemla, Mirko Santoro & Carlo Geraci - 2024 - Linguistics and Philosophy 47 (1):77-147.
    We argue that the pictorial nature of certain constructions in signs and in gestures explains surprising properties of their syntax. In several sign languages, the standard word order (e.g. SVO) gets turned into SOV (with preverbal arguments) when the predicate is a classifier, a distinguished construction with highly iconic properties (e.g. Pavlič, 2016). In silent gestures, participants also prefer an SOV order in extensional constructions, irrespective of the word order of the language they speak (Goldin-Meadow et al., 2008). But in (...)
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    Carlos M. Rodríguez López-Brea, Frailes y Revolución Liberal. El clero regular en España a comienzos del siglo XIX (1800- 1814) (Toledo, Azacanes, 1996) 262 pp. 218 x 155. ISBN 84-88480-18-0. [REVIEW]Manuel Martín Riego - 2023 - Isidorianum 7 (14):631-632.
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    Carlos Lévy : Cicero Academicus. Recherches sur les Académiques et sur la philosophie Cicéronienne. Pp. x+697. École Françhise de Rome, 1992. Paper. [REVIEW]Estelle Haan - 1995 - The Classical Review 45 (1):168-168.
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    A Monte Carlo analysis of diffusion and thermodynamics in UO2 +x.G. E. Murch - 1975 - Philosophical Magazine 32 (6):1129-1140.
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    Structure of a glassy Zr70Pd30alloy analysed by anomalous X-ray scattering coupled with reverse Monte Carlo simulation.K. Sugiyama, T. Muto, T. Kawamata, Y. Yokoyama & Y. Waseda - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (19-21):2962-2970.
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    Galileo Reappraised. Edited by Carlo L. Golino. University of California Press; London: Cambridge University Press. Pp. x + 110. 1966. 35s. [REVIEW]A. Armitage - 1967 - British Journal for the History of Science 3 (3):297-298.
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    Agamben’s Philosophical Lineage: edited by Adam Kotsko and Carlo Salzani, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2017, x + 333 pp., $150.00/£95.00 (cloth), $39.95/£24.99.Douglas J. Cremer - 2020 - The European Legacy 26 (2):210-212.
    Cutting and parsing the corpus of a great author’s work is properly a delicate and exacting task, particularly when executed by numerous authors within the limits of a three-hundred-page academic b...
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    Doctrine and Power: Theological Controversy and Christian Leadership in the Later Roman Empire. By Carlos R. Galvão‐Sobrinho. Pp. x, 310, Los Angeles/London, University of California Press, 2013, £52.00. [REVIEW]Patrick Madigan - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (1):246-247.
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    Mechanisms in Cognitive Science.Carlos Zednik - 2017 - In Stuart Glennan & Phyllis McKay Illari (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Mechanisms and Mechanical Philosophy. Routledge. pp. 389-400.
    This chapter subsumes David Marr’s levels of analysis account of explanation in cognitive science under the framework of mechanistic explanation: Answering the questions that define each one of Marr’s three levels is tantamount to describing the component parts and operations of mechanisms, as well as their organization, behavior, and environmental context. By explicating these questions and showing how they are answered in several different cognitive science research programs, this chapter resolves some of the ambiguities that remain in Marr’s account, and (...)
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    Introducción al análisis del derecho.Carlos Santiago Nino - 1980 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Astrea.
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